Shawn Martin
Shawn has loved photography since he was a teen, enthralled with the artistic nuance of it all. He actively pursued learning and improving his skills over the years of working in law enforcement and a full military career, before embracing his dream of being a professional photographer. His focus and passion remains with boudoir and artistic portraiture, with his unique eye and vision allowing him to help others see themselves through a beautiful new lens.

Nichelle Martin
Nichelle has always been involved with all forms of arts, and photography did not escape her. While she may have been accused of living with her head in the clouds, her eyes were just viewing the world and taking in the beauty abound from a different perspective. You’ll find her organizing events, dreaming up creative shoot ideas, and at every session taking behind the scenes footage, creating sets and directing poses.

This is where the journey begins…
Are You Ready To Work With Us?
We would be honored to help you see yourself in a new and beautiful light. Because we know boudoir isn’t about “showing off” or feeding into vanity. It’s a way to reconnect with yourself, to help you conquer the parts of your mind that tell you you aren’t worthy it, to discover new and beautiful facets of who you are. To see YOURSELF as beautiful, celebrating yourself as you ARE and not how society tries to bend women to the idea of what beauty is. Because YOU are beauty and power innate. We are by your side to move through the doubts, the insecurities and the fears, and unleash your inner, confident self.